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IKEA Blue Concept 3D Kitchen

Hello to you,

I have the pleasure to present you my last 3D realization, IKEA BLUE KITCHEN CONCEPT, it is about a kitchen equipped with a uniform and symmetrical modern look without sacrificing the functionality.

Inspired by the IKEA Kitchen 2013 collection, a Challenge, realism between 3D and photography.

A new design with a theme of blue, white and wood parquet, more warm and appetizing to express his personality throughout the house and especially in the well-lit kitchen where some spend more than half of their free time.

I poured a lot of love and passion in realizing this image in I tried to play on the theme of color striking that it is the Blue and the Oak wood, without forgetting the WhiteBalance which was already present in this scene without overexposing the colors and materials which define it do to calibrate the image because as you know an overexposed image does not serve much.

This scene was done under 3DS MAX & V-Ray and Photoshop.

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    Infoline : +212 653 833 985 /